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Gary Ong | November 1st, 2021

What is your vision of the world? What is your vision for yourself? Perhaps it is a world that is more peaceful, filled with people who are content, with no wars and less natural disasters. For yourself, it may be a version of yourself that is healthier, happier, and more at peace with who you are. Here’s the thing: almost everyone shares that vision for the world and for themselves. It’s not singular.

As a founder, I am often asked about what my vision is for the world. It is as though the world is a box of legos, and I am about to reconfigure it to realize my vision, my goals and my version of reality. But, I have a different perspective of what vision really is. Vision isn’t my view of the world. It is merely what I am able to perceive from the world. It is a part of a shared vision of which I have been given an early preview. In time, everyone else will see it too. But until then, I get to marshal the resources, assemble the team and make the necessary preparations.

So if you’re a founder and you are burnt out from feeling that you have to be the source of all will and creation for the company, try this change of perspective instead. See vision and energy not as something that comes from you but something that comes through you. Let go, and let ideas and circumstances happen. Somehow, the world already knows what has to be. All you have to do, is to just be.


Image credit: S. Hermann & F. Richter