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A Good Day

Gary Ong | August 25th, 2021

Value can be a difficult thing to measure day in and day out. In a regular job, it might mean keeping your boss happy, writing a good report, or making sure customers feel listened to.

In a startup, every task seems pressing. Should I be running experiments, analyzing data, planning, writing, or thinking today? I struggle daily to decide which task can create the highest value for the company. Some days, I slip into routine, a hazy albeit comfortable progression for the day. Other days, I am intentional, task switching down a list from one important task to another.

But, my best days seem to pass a simple test regardless of the details. At the end of the day, I look back and see the work I have done and ask, “Am I proud of the work I have done today?” If the answer is yes, it was a good day. I guess in the end, measuring value really isn’t that complicated. Just look back and ask yourself this. Does it work. Does it make you proud.